the s'Innviertel


Marktgemeindeamt Obernberg am Inn

Obernberg am Inn, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • All weather

The thousand-year-old jewel on the Inn - Obernberg am Inn is not only special because of its location on the edge of a terrace overlooking the green Inn: here, people live from and with nature.

The picturesque town offers a number of sights, such as the castle complex with falconry and historic garden, while the market square is rightly considered one of the most beautiful of its kind in Austria. The "Wörndlehaus", the "Apothekerhaus" and the "Schiffmeisterhaus" with stucco work by Johann Baptist Modler (1697 - 1774) are particularly splendid. Obernberg am Inn is also home to Austria's only communion church. And in March, people meet at the horse market.
Closing day
  • Wednesday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • holiday
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • All weather
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Marktgemeindeamt Obernberg am Inn
Marktplatz 36
4982 Obernberg am Inn

Phone +43 7758 2255
Fax machine +43 7758 2255 - 24
E-Mail gemeinde@obernberg-inn.ooe.gv.at
Web www.obernberg.at

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Contact person
Mr Bürgermeister Martin Bruckbauer
Marktplatz 36
4982 Obernberg am Inn

Phone +43 7758 2255
Fax machine +43 7758 2255 - 24
E-Mail martin.bruckbauer@obernberg-inn.ooe.gv.at
Web www.obernberg.at

Legal contact information

Marktgemeindeamt Obernberg am Inn
Marktplatz 36
AT-4982 Obernberg am Inn

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