the s'Innviertel



Ried im Innkreis, Oberösterreich, Österreich

In 1949, Franz Riepl sold over 6 hectares of building land from the Ried parish grounds to the municipality in order to help alleviate the pressing housing shortage of the post-war period.

This generous step very quickly triggered massive building activity, which soon turned the Riedbergsiedlung into an entire neighbourhood. When the municipality also began building 72 flats on Gyristraße, the parish priest was certain that a church, a religious centre, had to be created here.

When the Tyrolean Capuchin Province was looking for a suitable location to build a student residence, Franz Riepl offered them a plot of land on the Riedberg, free of charge, on the condition that they would take over the daily mass service and, in urgent cases, pastoral care in the church planned next door. The Capuchins accepted - the first step was taken for Father Riepl.

Deacon Manfred Anzinger is now responsible for baptisms, funerals, liturgies and services in the nursing homes.
The priest in charge is Rupert Niedl
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Pfarrplatz 1
4910 Ried im Innkreis

Phone +43 7752 84830
mobile +43 676 87765321
E-Mail pfarre.riedberg@dioezese-linz.at
Web www.dioezese-linz.at/pfarre/4321

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