The Traditionsraum der 2-er Schützen in the command building of PzGrenB 13 in Ried im Innkreis is a small but very fine museum that has set itself the goal of collecting and preserving memorabilia relating to the deployment of LIR 2 (Landwehrinfanterieregiment 2, Linzer Zweier) on the Isonzo Front.
In addition to uniforms of the k. u. k. In addition to uniforms of the Imperial and Royal Army, the collection also includes a considerable number of headdresses, uniforms and pieces of men's equipment from the Imperial Army. In addition, a series of infantry rifles from 1873 onwards documents an overview of rifled muzzle-loaders, the first breech-loaders and repeating rifles of Austrian, Russian and Italian design, together with the corresponding bayonets.
The star of the collection is a Schwarzlose machine gun from the First World War. The 2er Museum even has a series of hand and rifle grenades consisting of Austrian, Italian and French examples. The presentation is rounded off with memorabilia from the Comradeship Association, medals and "Highest Resolutions" relating to LIR 2 as well as correspondence from the war and post-war period. Particularly noteworthy is the display case in which objects from everyday soldier life are shown that were collected and excavated in the former front area by members of the Linzer 2er and officers of the Panzer Grenadier Battalion 13.
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