We are an association that organises poetry slams in the Innviertel region.
A poetry slam is a performative competition between poets to win the favour of the audience. The aim is to interpret one's own texts in the most lively and captivating way possible so that the audience bursts into complete ecstasy or listens to the presentations open-mouthed in amazement. Whether rhymed, rapped, narrative, thought-provoking or funny, all text genres are permitted and may be whispered, shouted, spoken rhythmically, read or performed freely. Singing, props or instruments may not be used.
The Innviertler Wortklauberei is a non-profit organisation.
The purpose of the association is the organisation and implementation of poetry slams in the greater Braunau/Ried/Schärding area and Upper Austria. the association sees itself as an art platform that offers all literary creators the opportunity to present their own texts to an audience. the promotion of local authors is a particular concern of the association.
Please get in touch for more information.