Altheim is embedded in Upper Austria´s stunning scenery ... And it gets really HOT there!
On the A8 motorway; exit Ort/Innkreis => Bundesstrasse B 142 federal road direction Braunau.
From Simbach/Braunau on the Bundesstrasse B 309 federal road.
From Salzburg/Mattighofen on the B 147 federal road => B 142 federal road
Obernberg-Altheim station: arrivals at 6:18am, 7:08am, 7:32am, 8:26am, 11:13am, 12:22pm, 13:12pm, 14:22pm, 15:09pm, 16:29pm, 17:29pm, 19:26pm, 19:26pm, 20:25pm.
Airport Salzburg
Airport Linz