© Vater und Sohn_c_S'INNVIERTEL Tourismus_Matthias Klugsberger
© Vater und Sohn_c_S'INNVIERTEL Tourismus_Matthias Klugsberger
Vater und SOhn gehen Steg entlang; neben ihnen glitzert der See; hinter ihnen erkennt man Wiesen und Wälder in herbstlicher Atmosphäre;


Mining, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Welcome to Mining!

Due to its low elevation at 348 meters above sea level, snow is not a given here. On cold winter days ice curling makes for a fun afternoon out. Afterwards you can warm up with a cup of steaming punch or mulled wine in one of the local inns.

Mining boasts a superb Mineral Museum with over 100 different minerals on display, among them an amethyst geode which, at 1.411kg, is one of the world’s largest. There is also a mineral specialist store inside the museum.


Gemeindeamt Mining
Hofmark 19
4962 Mining

Phone +43 7723 7055
Fax machine +43 7723 7055 - 4
E-Mail gemeinde@mining.ooe.gv.at
Web www.mining.ooe.gv.at

Service & information
Mr Bgm. Josef Zechmeister
Hofmark 19
4962 Mining

Phone +43 43 7055
Fax machine +43 7723 7055 - 4
E-Mail gemeinde@mining.ooe.gv.at
Web www.mining.ooe.gv.at

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