the s'Innviertel



Lohnsburg am Kobernaußerwald, Oberösterreich, Österreich
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Commercial forest, local recreation area and an important piece of home at the same time: the Kobernaußerwald forest stretches across around 600 square kilometres as a green lifeline through the
S'INNVIERTEL holiday region. If you want to discover it, it's best to hop on a mountain bike, go on a pilgrimage or follow in the footsteps of the lumberjacks.

The Kobernaußerwald forest fulfils a very important function as a place of recreation in today's world: the power and strength it exudes has a calming and balancing effect. The immune system is strengthened and the mood is lifted. The Kobernaußerwald covers an area of approx. 600 km² and consists mainly of conifers, with spruce making up the largest proportion.

Did you know,
🌲 that the Kobernaußerwald, together with the Hausruckwald, is one of the largest contiguous forest areas in Central Europe?
🌲 that the forest area is the source of many watercourses?
🌲 that the Steiglberg is the highest point at 767 metres above sea level?
🌲 that heather St John's wort (Hypericum pulchrum) is only found on the western edge of the Kobernaußerwald in the whole of Austria?
🌲 that the storage of beer in wooden barrels is related to "pitching", i.e. the tapping of resin from spruce trees, and that this was a very long time ago?

Together with the Hausruck, the Kobernaußerwald forms the largest contiguous forest area in the foothills of the Alps - and one of the largest in Central Europe. The fact that things were not always as peaceful as they are today where fox and hare (and now also lynx and wolf) say goodnight to each other is due to the special border situation between Austria and Bavaria.

In addition to moss-covered boundary stones or field names such as "Streitforst", a wayside shrine at the highest point of Waldzell is a reminder of the sometimes not-so-good old days. At 726 metres above sea level, salt was once traded - and often smuggled - at its current location ...

In the S'INNVIERTEL holiday region, over 100 km of well-signposted hiking trails lead into and along the edge of the Kobernaußerwald forest. The offer ranges from panoramic tours to the long-distance hiking trail and the Innviertel pleasure pilgrimage.

Sport, fun and enjoyment of nature on two wheels take centre stage in the 80 km KTM Kobernaußerwald MTB Arena. The best way to explore it is on a 55 km circular route that leads through the municipal areas of Maria Schmolln, Höhnhart, St. Johann am Walde and Treubach.


4923 Lohnsburg am Kobernaußerwald

Phone +43 7723 8555
E-Mail info@innviertel-tourismus.at
Web www.innviertel-tourismus.at/

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